
Coaching with Franchelle Caesar

If you’re a Spender and you have debt, this will be the most important message that you’ll ever read.

Here’s why:

I’m going to show you that
you don’t have to budget or change your spending habits in order to pay off debt fast.

If you’ve ever tried to pay off debt before, but couldn’t remain debt-free forever, it’s because there are certain myths about money management that are holding you back. 

I’m going to expose those myths and show you how to fix them.

Then I’m going to show you three specific things that you can do to
start paying off debt today.


Here’s the number one reason you aren’t paying off debt quickly: 

You’re trying to manage money like a Saver.

And the 5 most common Money Management Myths that were taught to you by Savers:

  1. You need to budget, cut up credit cards, and stop spending money on things you love.
  2. You need to make more money.
  3. Paying off debt involves sacrifice, and can’t be fun.
  4. You have to do it alone, and in secret, because its shameful.
  5. You have to create your debt pay-off plan from scratch.

It’s not your fault if you hold these beliefs.  Because, until now, there wasn’t a process created specifically for Spenders.

In The Financial School for Spenders, you can start paying off debt, without budgeting, starting today.

THe Financial School for Spenders was made for you

You are a Spender and a Giver.

  • You like nice things and you give generous gifts.
  • A Target run easily turns into a shopping spree.
  • When you see something that a friend would like, you buy it without hesitation.
  • Life for you is about freedom and living each day to the fullest.
  • But when it comes to managing your money, you have "baggage".
  • You have money stories, family stories, worthiness stories, and shame around spending.
  • You've had a hard time saving money in the past and you feel guilty.
  • You've started and stopped budgeting programs in the past.
  • Nothing seems to work for you and you're tired of trying.
  • You find yourself just giving up and burying your head in the sand.

You need to Work with me.

The reason that budgeting programs haven't worked for you is that the typical financial advice is directed at Savers.

You are a Spender, and you need different rules.

"No-buy July" isn't going to work for you. Clipping coupons isn't exciting for you.

Eating beans and rice day-in and day-out is just not going to work for you!

Spenders need Freedom, not strict budgets.

That's why I created a process for you to manage your money and your mail in just an hour a week.

without using a budget

How it Works

STEP 01:


You need to know what to do when you sit down to manage your money.

STEP 02:


You need to know which of your thoughts are holding you back.

STEP 03:


You need to be able to share your experiences without guilt or shame.

This is exactly what I need!

Mindset Coaching Topics

1. Gather Your Gems

Organize your finances, manage the mail, and eliminate paper clutter. ​

2. Date Your Dollars

Establish a joyful routine for managing money in just one hour a week.

3. Demolish Your Debt

Create a plan that helps you pay off debt fast while increasing your income.

4. Manage Your Mind

Change the way you think about money and life so that you feel rich before your bank account changes. ​

5. Stack Your Paper

Build a financial team that helps you save and invest for maximum effectiveness.

6. Be Your Own Bank

Advanced savings strategies that allow you to borrow from yourself and leverage credit.

7. Own Your "Extra"

Stop apologizing for wanting nice things and taking trips.

8. Set Your Standards

Create and maintain boundaries.  Finally put yourself first!

9. Validate Your Values

Figure out your personal core values, and live by them without apology.

You can do this

Here are some of our Students Results

  • Pay off credit card debt, personal loans, mortgage, car loans, and student loans.​
  • Identify core values and begin to boldly live according to them.
  • Leave abusive or unsupportive relationships with confidence.
  • Perform well on job interviews and get hired.
  • Perform well on professional evaluations and get promotions.
  • Elevate their self-concept and present as a leader in all situations.
  • Organize financial documents for themselves and loved ones.
  • Leave their jobs to start a business.
  • Catch up on back taxes with ease.
  • Achieve a higher state of calm and confidence with money.

How We Roll

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls
  • Weekly Co-Working Accountability Sessions
  • Personal Check-ins
  • Membership Portal with on-demand lessons
  • Private Online Community for 24/7 coaching and support
This is my jam...

The Financial School for Spenders

A Safe Place for Spenders to Become Financially Free


A Strategy Specifically for Spenders


The Money Squad Community & Accountability


Challenges that make Reaching Goals Fun & Easy


Bonuses & Personal Check-ins

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